Tag: ohio bands

Guided By Voices @ Irving Plaza, 07/11/2014

I’m sure that Guided By Voices’ fans can fill up stadiums. Or any other location you give ’em. They will know pretty much every song out of the 22 albums the indie rock titans from Dayton, Ohio issued since 1983.…

The Insurance Salesmen

Since, “Death, Taxes, and Other Favorites” Cleveland’s, The Insurance Salesmen have been lobbying for their fair share of exposure in the city, gracing bills with A-List bands and plying their wares. The Insurance Salesmen are refreshingly genuine, shocking meek, and…

Kid Tested @ Fort Useless

It was really great to go and see Kid Tested – the alternative rock band fronted by Flowers In A Gun’s contributor Shawn Mishak – play at Fort Useless. I’ve never heard or been at this venue before and I…