Tag: nyc

The Beauty of Breaking Stuff.

The air filled with anticipation when Vijay Iyer Trio entered the stage at Jazz Standard. People clearly expected that this show was going to be special. I was excited to see the group because listening to their studio recordings comes…

Marianne Solivan Big Band at Smalls Jazz Club: Lady Got Balls!

March 8th is International Women’s Day and what a better way to celebrate it than listen to a wonderful singer, Marianne Solivan? Marianne has been on the jazz scene for a while, working her way tirelessly and with utter dedication…

Winter Jazzfest 2015

Winter Jazzfest, now in its glorious 11th year, is an exciting way to start the New Year and its popularity is growing every year with attendance reaching close to 6500 people this year. What started as a one-night showcase of…

Blonde Redhead @ Bowery Ballroom

Wow! What an amazing show! – would be my words if I have to summarize Blonde Redhead’s coming-back-to-NYC performance promoting their new album “Barragan”. A little over 20 years after Japanese art students Kazu Makino and Maki Takahashi randomly met…

Paul Maged releases sophomore album “Diamonds and Demons”

Set on a gritty rooftop overlooking the Manhattan skyline the debut single of NYC singer/songwriter Paul Maget’s new album “Diamonds and Demons” makes a statement on elitism and greed on modern society. Influenced by the current indie scene and bands…

Band Of The Week: Sweet Fix

SWEET FIX are the big winners of the last Band of the Week contest. They are fun, they are glam and they are seriously kicking ass. To be specific – SWEET FIX totally rock these retro-future guitars we love so…

Alice Sungurov releases debut video

NYC-based singer-songwriter Alice Sungurov’s first single “So Blind” melts quirky pop with punk-rockish rhythm     all wrapped up in a creative and colorful video. Released through HitPlay Records – a subsidiary of Sony Music – the song has a…

Interview with Matthew Shipp

Pianist and composer Matthew Shipp has a style of his own and his new solo record “I’ve Been To Many Places” takes you on a musical journey that is unlike any other. We caught up with Matt to talk about…