The Wiggings

Flowers in a gun got mail today! And I love getting mail (secretly hoping that there are shoes inside). However, instead of shoes there was a link to this band’s Bandcamp… The layout looked weird, lo-fi, yet quite intriguing and I was just waking up, so it was like “What the fuck is that… well ok, let me give you a try…” And actually it ended up that  The Wiggings are kind of cool – generous noise sprinkled over rock’n rollish male vocals… There is definitely a huge Velvet Underground inspiration, yet I feel the garage rock and… probably because of the noise it reminds me of a trashy version of The Raveonettes, without the female vocals… The artwork on the cover makes me think of my friend Steffen Von Fliesch (probably because of the Mexican wrestling mask), it’s also kind of gay (idk if by intended purpose, I don’t say it as something bad either).

Anyway, “The myth of man” is not bad and you should give it a try on The Wiggings’ bandcamp page and/or buy it with the option “you name the price”.

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