Author: Mart Kawaii

My lousy bar poetry #2

People prefer to sit at the bar, so they feel less lonely. New York is a very lonely city. packed with people. Which is pretty ironic by itself. I sit at a table and write. but not with the idea…

My lousy bar poetry #1

The poetry is for the lazy people. You put less effort in it than in prose. Being more pretentious, trying to capture more in less words. Yes, it may be beautiful, but it rarely tells a story. A  good story,…

Horsing around with the evil seagulls

The summer came to its end and I finally decided to go to the beach on my day off on Thursday. Honestly, I worked (and drinked) my ass out this summer – I’ve spent the days mostly in working and…

Bulgarian pop music = soft porn

Both listening and seeing it. The worst is that it’s just as pointless as most of the porn – no plot, only flesh. Lora Karajova – Spusnati Zavesi (Pulled down curtains) Kinda sad and desparate, huh?

Underground after party @ Alphabet City

I finished my Saturday night fever accidentally at this crazy after party at Alphabet City. It was totally underground in some empty apartment or something, the music was funk&disco mainly and it looked and felt like trashy Studio 54 in…