Dialogues for the world of tomorrow

The world is changing. Especially noticeable lately.

Whether because of the rumors for  the  coming “Doomsday” and  the end of the Mayan calendar. Whether because of the revolutions and protests that occurred last year in various parts of the world including the Middle East, Vancouver, Canada, the  Occupy movement spreading all over the world and starting on Wall Street. Whether because of the fact that more and more people are discovering the power of their minds and how they can can shape their reality. Whether because we’re entering the second decade of the XXI century.

The reasons are numerous.

But one thing is clear – something is happening. Or waiting to happen. Or both.

The world we live in is under construction. And we are all part of the (re)building.

The mission of the festival “This is how we do it” (from 20 to 22 April, 2012 at Cooper Union, Manhattan) is to speak freely about this change and the new & alternative practices in media, politics, economics, security…

This is how we do it will open on April 20 at 7 pm Eastern time  with a lecture by Grace Lee Boggs, a remarcable female writer & activist, which 96 years old now, was a part of almost every important movement in the States over the past 75 years. Last year she released her latest book “The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century“.  Nelson Johnson and Andrea Smith, both influential American activists will join the discussion,  which will also be open to the attendees in the hall.

The next two afternoons in Cooper Union will be continue with talks with various leaders, journalists, poets, politicians and economists, which are an  active part of change that is happening around all of us. For a detailed list of events click here.

And here’s the best. No need to be in New York to be part of it all. This is how we do it will be broadcast directly online in real time on the venue’s website http://www.thefoundrytheatre.org.

So if you feel like something different and alternative this weekend, click on the link and get transported virtually there. If you’re in New York –  come meet me there.
The article was firstly published on Bulgarian media dnevnik.bg. For original article click here.